Subject: Never Again Will I Love You Author: Uploaded By: CyberTurok Date: 7/26/1998 File: never again (3683 bytes) Estimated Download Time (23638 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 673 Equipment: Whatever got you here Needs: Text Reader/Word Processor ***This file was checked for viruses using PC-cillin 95*** If you liked my poem, "The One Who Loves You" (uploaded 6/20/98), I think you'll enjoy this one, entitled "Never Again". This is another poem that I wrote previous to "The One Who Loves You" that is also based on a painful experience I had in a relationship. I talk about some pretty painful things, and many people have probably experienced what I am describing here. Have you ever broken up with someone but then felt tempted to return back to them when you know deep down inside it's probably not the right thing to do? If you have any thoughts or feedback on my poem, feel free to write me back. "Never Again" Copyrigh 1998 by All rights reserved.